- Hook
- State the problem
- Long commute time
- Air pollution/Global warming (PROVIDE STATISTICS)
- Noise pollution
- Removes human error/Driver
- Provide opportunity/Innovation
Discussion of comparable innovations
- High expense of hyperloop
- Talk about dangers of low pressure tube
- Weak foundation in Dubai (groundwater)/Low bearing capacity of the soil
- Talk about the air pressured hyperloop (Original)
Technical Description
- Describe the support member shape
- 2 main rails and 1 maintenance rail (midway)
- System’s suspension
- Propeller
- Wheels
- Train structure(Length)
- Cargo train/Freight section
Proposed Program
- How precast slabs are made
- How the rails/coils/ferrite magnets are manufactured
- Build from New york(34th street station) to Chicago
- Cost of materials
- Cost of Property
- Cost of Labor force/Machinery/etc
- Start of construction/end of construction
- Labor power/ Tools / Machinery / Workers
- Reinforced structure members/Support: Pre-cost slabs (concrete)
- Steel rails
- Ferrite magnets
- Electromagnetic coils