Progress Report

We have figured out how an approximation of how much carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere in order to power the train. The noise pollution was also approximated and compared to the other high-speed rails and the MTA of NYC. The transrapid train emits a noise of around 92 decibels while going around 440 km/h and the average noise created by the MTA trains is around 94 decibels while going around 88 km/h. We also compared the energy consumption of the transrapid train and the high-speed rail trains. The faster the transrapid train goes, the more efficient it becomes.

More research was done on the hyperloop and it the dangers of having an extremely low pressured tubes were found out. If a hole appears in one of the tubes, the air would travel about 2000 km/h for every square meter imploding the tubes by having the total force of around 30,000 kilograms around the entire cross sectional area of the tube. The destruction will stop once the atmospheric pressure becomes equalized. For the project itself, we have approximated the location of the stations and the rough path of the guideway. We decided to include maintenance or emergency railing which would be spread out throughout the guideway. An addition to the train would be an electric compressor fan which is similar to the fan that Elon Musk wrote about in his 57 page white paper about the Alpha Hyperloop. Some of the materials that we will need were figured out. We found many factors that are included in the cost of the entire high speed transportation system. A list of jobs and labor costs was found.